Indian Motorcycle 2-channel amplifier kit (2017 models)
Our Price: £298.42
AVAILABLE TO ORDER | Estimated dispatch in 5-10 daysThis item will be ordered with our supplier and usually arrives to us within 5-10 days.

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Quick Code: 2882215
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This amplifier kit is for customers who have a MY17 Chieftain or MY17 Roadmaster and want both saddlebag audio and trunk audio. Powerful amp supplies audio quality you can enjoy at freeway speeds. This amp supplements the 4-channel amp in the head unit and is installed in the saddlebag.

Material various
Wattage 2 x 50w
Required (Sold Separately) 4 Channel Amplifier Kit (2882214), Audio Splitter (2882309)
Ease of Installation Dealer Only
Warranty 1 year from date of purchase
Indian Chieftain 2017+