Kriega Os-Platform Harley-Davidson Pan America
Kriega Os-Platform Harley-Davidson Pan America
Kriega Os-Platform Harley-Davidson Pan America
Kriega Os-Platform Harley-Davidson Pan America
Kriega Os-Platform Harley-Davidson Pan America
Kriega Os-Platform Harley-Davidson Pan America
Kriega Os-Platform Harley-Davidson Pan America
Our Price: £250.00
AVAILABLE TO ORDER | Estimated dispatch in %a daysThis item will be ordered with our supplier and usually arrives to us within %a days.

As soon as we receive the goods, they will be quality checked and dispatched to you within the same day.

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Quick Code: KOSPHD
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  • New Edition OS-PLATFORMS specially designed for the Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250 Side Case Mounting System. Quick and easy to mount with four fasteners per side, the OS-PLATFORMS provide a solid mounting location for any Kriega OS-SOFT PANNIERS.

    CNC machined from virtually indestructible Nylon 6, OS-PLATFORMS are lighter than alloy and without fatigue issues. Engineered into the design are optional attachment points, allowing you to mount single or double fuel and water containers or a combination of OS-6 or OS-12 ADVENTURE PACKS and containers. The flexibility of the design enables you to set up the bike to suit your adventure.