R&G sew-on patch
R&G sew-on patch
R&G sew-on patch
R&G sew-on patch
R&G sew-on patch
Our Price: £7.00
AVAILABLE TO ORDER | Estimated dispatch in 2-4 daysThis item will be ordered with our supplier and usually arrives to us within 2-4 days.

As soon as we receive the goods, they will be quality checked and dispatched to you within the same day.

If there are any unexpected delays, we will notify you immediately.
Quick Code: RGP001
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Are your micro / mini indicators flashing incorrectly?

In many cases, after fitting micro / mini indicators, you will find that the indicators flash too fast or too slow. To stop this, R&G Resistors can be fitted which should solve the problem.

Note: We highly recommend buying this product when purchasing micro / mini indicators in order to save any disappointment when fitting.